Does continuous noise at home or at work disturb you?
We have solutions.
Sound Control Works combines long-term professionals in the building sector with acoustics who are dedicated to finding tailored solutions for your home or workplace. Let’s take control of noise problems!

Ask for a quote today!
Get rid of stress and health worries about constant noise or bad acoustics!
You no longer have to suffer.
What type of noise is bothering you?
Noise at home
Do you hear every word and every step of your neighbor? Your child can’t play the drums because you get a headache?
Noise at work
Are you working as a teacher and feel at the end of the day that your ears are already hurting? Or maybe your colleagues keep talking and answering their phones all day long and you find it difficult to concentrate on your tasks?
Noise outside
You can’t sleep at night because of the noise in the street? Forget earplugs!
You can fully trust our competence and experiences in the field!
Sound Control Works connects long-term professionals in the building sector and acoustics who are dedicated to finding tailor-made solutions for each client, according to their unique needs and preferences.
Our principles
Our mission is to create better environments for people to work and live in. We give our customers back control over their life and health, and thus increase their quality of life, comfort and well-being.

You don’t have to move or quit your job. Your kids don´t have to give up the musical instruments.
Sound Control Works knows how to give you back peace of mind, health and jo of living.
Why customers like us?
Kliendid soovitavad meid oma sõpradele ja tuttavatele, sest nad on jäänud rahule nii meie lahendustega kui ka meie sõbraliku ja viisaka klienditeenindusega.
Oleme professionaalsed, usaldusväärsed, paindlikud ja diskreetsed, sõbralikud ja viisakad.
Meie töötajad tulevad igal hommikul rõõmuga tööle, sest neile meeldib oma klientide heaks midagi ära teha ning nende elu paremaks muuta.
Each of our activities focuses on the well-being, comfort and safety of our customers. That´s why we choose our partners carefully.
Get in Touch!
Sometimes it is not necessary to move the mountains – it is enough to move the sound.
Leave us your contacts and we will contact you within 24 hours!